Hey there! I have been trying to grow my family for over 6 years. It has been difficult, funny, sad, and overwhelming all at the same time. Welcome to infertility!
Let's just see what happens...
My Story...
So you're going to make a baby?!? Not really try but just see what happens? How exciting! Well, it is exciting and it can also suck!
When trying to conceive things can get messy. Relationships, work, sex life, emotions, weight gain, friendships, parties, drugs and alcohol... it all can start falling apart. This happened to me and all I wanted was to talk to someone about it, but I didn't know anyone going through this (I did actually know quite a lot) but no one was discussing this. When I first started out I wanted a step-by-step guide to start researching my infertility but could not find one (one from me soon to come!)
We started to "not try" before we got married. We started and it was exciting! Lots of unknowns and yet thrilling moments. The first few months were not too dramatic. After about a year it became a bit scary.
In the mean time we distracted ourselves with travel, friends, bars and even a school bus. Our bus has been a saving grace as we created the best sanctuary. We bought a short bus and converted it into an RV. It is my favorite place in the world. My husband can build anything and did an amazing job. Custom wood floors and cabinets. Funky upholstery and twinkle lights. We travel around with our two rescued pit bulls and see the land. The bus has been a fantastic way to get our minds off of everything.
Through this I have taken to self-care as a way to survive. Self-care can mean different things to different people. I meditate, practice yoga, take long baths, get out in nature and meet with support groups. Without these outlets my sanity would be in a peculiar place right now.
Who am I?
I am a 37 years old and recently made a career switch to full time coaching. I am married to the coolest person, Brad. We have been married for 6 years. We met at a restaurant I worked at. He was a customer and I was a waitress. We were friends for a few years before we started dating. We have two pit bulls who are the biggest babies.
We love to travel, whether by bus, plane or car. Together we have been to Bali, Italy, France, Denmark, Austria and all over the Pacific North West. Hoping for Spain next. I read A LOT! I also like yoga, hiking, going to bed early and cooking. Fun fact: I used to despise cooking until I found a mentor (shout out to Kris!) who helped me realize it is completely therapeutic. Now, if I am sad I crave the kitchen!
I really love breakfast. Every weekend we go out to eat at the place where we met. The farmer's market is also a weekly outing as well. Living in California means yummy food all year long. Essential oils are also a daily go to for me. Right now it is Present Time, Juvacleanse and Magnify Your Purpose.